
the Bay Area Next Generation Streetlight Initiative

The Bay Area Climate Collaborative and Eaton's Cooper Lighting division today announced their collaboration on the Bay Area Next Generation Streetlight Initiative. The region-wide project is designed to facilitate the upgrade of 200,000+ municipal streetlights to led high bay light.

The Bay Area Climate Collaborative (BACC) and Eaton’s Cooper Lighting division today announced a collaboration to accelerate the energy-efficient street lighting market through the Bay Area Next Generation Streetlight Initiative. The region-wide project is designed to facilitate the upgrade of 200,000+ municipal streetlights to advanced light-emitting diode (LED) technology.

LED street lighting benefits local governments in so many ways – lowering energy and maintenance costs, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving community safety – but without education, many municipalities don’t know where to begin.”

As a part of this initiative, BACC is delivering leading-edge education and tools to local governments interested in advanced lighting, in partnership with the nationally-recognized UC Davis led flood lightg Technology Center. With support from Eaton’s Cooper Lighting division, the initiative will conduct further outreach around the LED lighting opportunity and develop key resources to complement existing guidance such as Next Generation Streetlights: LED Technology and Strategies for Action, a guide for local governments which delivers education and specific steps for municipal streetlight upgrades.

you can read more:http://winonds8.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-envelope-toward-ideal-light-source.html

