According to Cree, compared with current lighting, the new installations will offer an energy saving between 45 per cent and 76 per cent, depending on the individual requirements of each Embassy.“Embassies are a great vehicle to showcase US innovation and influence global commercial led high bay light and industrial organizations to take action, consume less energy and advance energy efficiency.” Said by Greg Merritt, VP of coprorate marketing at Cree.
The League of Green Embassies was established in 2007 to reduce greenhouse emissions and showcase US technology as well as increase US exports.This new testing service offering will be available separately or as a bundle with other UL lighting industry services such as Energy Star, performance testing and safety certification.
Zhaga is an industry-wide cooperation aimed at the development of standard specifications for the interfaces of led linear high bay light engines. The organization creates interface specifications for 'light engines' with the goal to promote interchangeability of light engines made by different manufacturers; different lighting applications need different light engines.